MAD stands for...
Make A Difference
SERP stands for...
Search Engine Results Page
Who is on the KO call?
MSM, OC, Client, MC
(SMM if included)
What is our monthly retention goal?
How much does it cost to have Marketing360 each month?
How much is the early cancellation fee?
What does a blitz consist of how much does it cost?
One blog, one email, four social posts, 600 content credits
Why do we do the KO call?
Gather information about the business, introduce team members, start building trust and rapport
What is our OTS goal?
How much is a WordPress & Shopify site?
$500 and $1500
What does it mean if an account is "Marketing Only"?
They are not getting a new website.
What is SEO and how does it work?
Search Engine Optimization...
Who is in charge of setting up the PreKO call?
The MC
What document do you use to keep track of your monthly quotas and forecasting?
Goal tracker
How many social profiles can you connect to the Social app at no additional cost?
Up to 10 profiles
What qualifies an account to be considered a CORE account?
13 months of invoices or 3 consecutive months of Payment App usage generating more than $2500 worth of invoices per month
What is a "Golden Keyword"?
A long tail keyword that is laser focused for the client's product or services
How many days are need between the KO Call and the Research Review Call?
At least 5 business days
Who is the person that steps in if an account goes beyond 14 days of being unpaid?
Rob Wallace
How much is Top Rated Local and Premium Listings?
TRL is free and is included in the platform but Premium Listings are $59
Name all of the departments that are client facing
MSM, MC, OC, SMM, Payments
Without looking at the price list, tell me the difference between an advanced and standard email template and what are their costs?
$400 or $200. Standard email uses an existing template and replaces the content. Advanced is creating a new template.
Give us your 1 minute sales pitch
Explain your role as MSM
What is the Tie Breaker for points between MSMs?
% book paid
Name all the apps in Marketing360
(Point of Sale)