This person facilitates learning.
Who is the Teacher?
A monthly practice that can occur any time of day.
What is a fire drill?
The day HTK (Hold the Ketchup) goes out to staff.
What is Friday?
Be good to each other and take turns talking.
What are the 2 rules at MSP?
The place to find your job description.
What is the Employee Policy Manual?
The primary teacher of a child.
Who are Parents?
The first thing to do at every transition.
What is Face to Name check?
The best way to communicate a request/need/question with Holly, Jen and Marie.
What is email?
The colors used at MSP to explain good vs. bad choice, also on a stoplight.
What are red and green?
Used to communicate prayer requests outside of school hours.
What is GroupMe?
A grace-based preschool prepares a child for this.
What is life?
State licensure requires that these things be kept out of a child's reach at ALL TIMES.
What are personal items?
"Attention" is the first thing you say when using this.
What is a walkie talkie?
The place a student sits to reset and pray after a disciplinary action.
What is the Think About it Chair?
The person to email when there is a facilities problem.
Who is Marie?
These 2 things reach a child's heart (not just his behavior) in a relationship between teacher and child.
The result of a person not having their personal code to check a child out in the car line.
What is pulling aside and having to wait while administration checks on the approved pick-up list?
615-468-2200 *510
What is the subline phone number?
The result of a hitting, biting or kicking incident.
What is a visit to Ms. Holly's office?
This relationship impacts family, friends and the community.
What is the relationship between a child and God?
Under "this" circumstance may a child be left unattended at MSP.
What is NO?
This must be completed and sent to parents by 1pm on the day of occurrence.
What is an incident report?
A focus of discipline at MSP. (There are 3, name one.)
What is extending grace?
What is communication?
What is restoration?
The President of the MSP Board.
Who is Teresa Hardy?