MSTEP is Super
MSTEP is the highlight of my year
MSTEP what?
Is is summer yet?
The OSA Security Compliance Agreements
What is the document that states you will follow the Assessment Integrity Guide?
True or False- Discussing test items with other staff members is allowable?
What is False?
The use of these in grades 3-5 is prohibited
What is a calculator?
True or False - Test administrator/proctors may re-read questions to students.
What is False- you may re-read directions as listed in the Administration Manual but NOTHING more!
The place where I can find information about testing security and administration.
What is the Testing Integrity Guide?
True or False- teachers may discuss the administration manual
What is True- Teachers are encouraged to read the administration manual and talk it over with colleagues
This person is responsible for reporting all the test irregularities and incidents to the state.
Who is the Coordinator of Assessment and Data Services?
This is provided to all students in grade 6th-8th during the math test.
What is graph paper?
Testing Scenario: A student appears to be clicking through questions quickly and not attending to the test. A proctor/Testing Administrator stands behind the student gently placing their hand on the student shoulder and gives them a smile. Is this behavior allowable?
What is Yes- Proctors/Administrators may NOT hover or assist a student by any direct or indirect means (gestures, pointing, prompting etc.) in providing correct or incorrect answers on test This proctor/administrator simply gave and encouraging smile but did not intend to lead the student to an answer
True or False - There are performance tasks on the M-Step?
What is False?
These need to be collected at the end of the test session (then shredded) and cannot be taken to another test session.
What is scrap paper?
What is the goal of the integrity guide?
What is to provide procedures and guidelines that lead to student results that accurately reflect a valid and reliable measure of their true educational knowledge, skills, and abilities?
These students have accommodations specified by subject area.
What are Special Education students with IEPs?
Three prohibited behaviors of a proctor or test administrator
What is - Holding extensive conversations - Reading newspaper/book - Eating - Working on computer or personal device - Tending to other duties - Grading papers
True or False- Teachers should review the online universal tools prior to the test with students.
What is True? There are posters available to displayed prior to and during the test.
True or False- students are allowed to take a break during the M-Step assessment.
What is True? Students are allowed to take a break, but their test must be paused.
These students may not be required to take the M-Step if they are within their first 12 months in the US and have valid WIDA scores.
Who are English Language Learners?
Three levels of supports and accommodations.
What are Universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations?
Give 3 examples of inappropriate items in the testing environment.
What is - "Test taking tips" - Anchor Charts - word lists - Definitions - Multiplication tables - Content displays - Writing formulas - Math formulas - Charts or Maps
True or False - The Construct Relevant Vocabulary list should be your default vocabulary curriculum
What is False? These should be used as an instructional resource to ensure that you are embedding these terms into your instruction
Complete and submit an incident report
What you would do when a student engages in prohibited behavior?
These supports are available for all students.
What are the universal tools?
ELA CAT, Math CAT, Science and Social Studies
What are the subjects that 5th and 8th grade take on the MSTEP?
The portion that was added this year to the ELA test to replace the performance task portion.
What is a text dependent analysis (TDA)?
List the secure test items.
What are - Test Tickets - Scrap Paper