How many times are Muslims required to pray in a day?
5 times
How many days do Muslims fast during Ramadan?
29 or 30 days, depending on moon sighting
What do Muslims say when they greet each other?
“As-salamu alaykum” (Peace be upon you)
Who was the first prophet in Islam?
Prophet Adam (PBUH)
What country has the largest Muslim population?
What is the first pillar of Islam?
Shahada/Testimony of faith
What is the name of the meal Muslims eat before starting their fast?
What do you say when giving a compliment or showing appreciation?
“Masha’Allah”/Allah has willed it
Which prophet is known for building an ark and saving animals from a great flood?
Prophet Nuh/Noah (PBUH)
Which continent has the largest Muslim population?
In what city was Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) born?
Mecca, Saudi Arabia
What is the act of breaking the fast called, and what food do Muslims traditionally use to break their fast?
Iftar, Dates
What do Muslims say before eating?
Bismillah/In the name of God
Which prophet received the Torah from Allah?
Prophet Musa/Moses (PBUH)
What African country has the largest Muslim population?
What is the name of the angel who revealed the Quran to Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)?
Angel Jibreel/Gabriel
What is the night called that is better than a thousand months?
Laylatul Qadr/The Night of Power
What phrase is said when expressing hope for the future?
Insha’Allah/God willing
Which prophet is considered the final messenger of Islam?
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Which African country is home to the famous city of Timbuktu, a historical center of Islamic culture and scholarship?
What is the name of the pilgrimage that Muslims are required to perform at least once in their lifetime, provided they have the means to do so?
What is the name of the special prayer performed by Muslims during the nights of Ramadan, typically after Isha prayer?
Say the Shahada (bonus points if you are not Muslim)
Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu. Meaning: “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.”
Which prophet is known for being swallowed by a large fish (or whale) and then surviving for three days and nights, often seen as a symbol of repentance and mercy?
Prophet Yunus/Jonah (PBUH)
What is the name of the famous mosque in Jerusalem that is sacred to Muslims?
Al-Aqsa Mosque