Which Sunday does Mt. Zion Baptist Church participate in communion?
1st Sunday
I was the wisest man of the bible
Moses parted it and the Egyptians died in it
The Red Sea
Shortest Verse in the Bible
Jesus Wept. John 11:35
How many people were in Jesus' CREW?
Hint: Disciples
2019 Fisher Street
I killed a giant with a stone and sling
Jesus was Born here
Last Book of the Bible
How many fish and loaves of bread did Jesus use to feed the crowd during the best fish fry in history?
2 Fish, 5 loaves of bread
What does C.R.E.W stand for?
Christians Reaching an Ever-changing World
I denied Jesus three times
Adam and Eve was living their best lives here before they got kicked out...
How many plagues were inflicted on Egypt by God?
In 2020, what did Pastor Allen light on fire in the parking lot of the Alliant?
Mt. Zion's Mortgage
The party ran so long I turned water into wine
Jesus preached and gave the beatitudes on this mountain
Mount of Olives
Name all four gospels of the bible
How many days was Jesus in the desert, fasting and being tempted?
40 days and 40 nights
CREW vision's for 2021 is focused on the 3 D's. What does the 3 D's stand for?
Developing, Devotion, Discipling
God gave me stone with ten commandments written on them
(Saul) Paul was on the road to a certain city and he was struck by light from heaven, causing him to go blind, name the city
(Road to) Damacus
How do you spell 5th book in the bible?
Recite Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created heavens and earth.