Fill in the blank
Word meanings
Misc 2

What is a symbol of death, humiliation and victory



Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed ...

by the renewing of your mind


Hebrew word used in Genesis 1:1 which means to create?



Free space

Free space


What was God's plan from the beginning as a way to restore humanity and all creation back to the way God intended?



He ________ the break, ________ it, ______________ and _________ it. 

He took the bread, blessed it, broke and gave it


What does transformation mean?

Transformation means a

thorough and dramatic change

in form or appearance.

During creation what does God do to the formless void on Days 1-3 and Days 4-6

Days 1-3: Organizing

Light separated from darkness (time)

Water separated from below and above (sky/sea)

Waters below separated from land (dry land) Trees and vegetation

Days 4-6: Filling

Stars, sun, moon to rule day/night

Birds in sky/fish in sea

Animals on land/Humans to rule creatures on Earth


What are the two powers that confront each other on the cross?

The cross is the head to head battle of the two kingdoms: the kingdom of man versus the Kingdom of God.


Trust in ___________________________________________________ own insight”.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight”.


What does "fruitful and multiply" mean?

live as a blessing towards other

being a benefit to the world around us


“When the sinless One, of His own will, chose to suffer death for us


“When the sinless One, of His own will, chose to suffer death for us

sinners, He took bread in His holy hands.”



What was the name of the high priest that wanted Jesus killed?



Whoever wants to be my disciple must ... 

Whoever wants to be my disciple must ... deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me


What does carry our own cross mean?

This refers to the difficulties that come our way when we choose the path to follow Christ. This could mean standing up to a bully in school or choosing not to make fun of a student when others are. When we carry our own cross, we recognize that Jesus our Lord and Savior truly understands what it means to carry the cross and helps us with our burdens and struggles. It is about bearing the suffering of others. 


God said:  “You may freely eat of every tree of the garden…” What did the serpent say?

God said: " You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

Serpent say: Did God say, ‘You shall not eat from any tree in the garden’?

Eve:  We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden; 3 but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, nor shall you touch it, or you shall die.’



Who were the Sadducees and Sanhedrin?

Sadducees - particular group of prients or even a political party. They did not believe in resurrection or an afterlife. They were more likely to compromise with Rome than the Pharisses would.

Sanhedrin: Jewish council which acted as the High Court. Chief Priest was the leader of the Sanhedrin. 


Jesus died on the cross because of 

human cowardice, fear, pressure, corruption, jealousy, anger


What is Enuma Elish?

Story from Babylon, Enuma Elish, they believed that the god Marduk defeated the sea god, Tiamat, and from that epic battle all creation came forth. For them the Babylonian god Marduk was the one who fought a mighty battle and was the direct agent of all the rest of creation. This helped them explain why things were messy in the ancient world. It is also a way of telling the other nations, “Don’t mess with us. Look what Marduk did, he is on our side.”


Jesus died on the cross to _____________, to show God's power over __________, and to make known his ____________________ against sin and his ______ for us. 

Jesus died on the cross to be our reconciling sacrifice, to show God's power over death, and to make known his judgement against sin and his love for us. 
