Famous People/Actors with Disabilities
Emergency Preparedness
Event Management

He played superman and had a tragic injury from falling off a horse

Who was Christopher Reeve


What is it called when you are to remain in the home?

What is: Shelter in Place


On the Event Management Form, when writing the information down what are you supposed to do

What is PRINTING Legibly 


If you have to call out after hours who do you call?

What is the On Call Manager and the Call out Line


Family Ties, Back to the Future, Marty McFly building awareness to Parkinson's Disease

Who is Michael J. Fox


Supplies that you would keep in case of a disaster

What is/are: water, food, hand sanitizer, moist wipes, garbage bags, food for at least 8 people, first aid kits, flash light and extra batteries, cell phone zip lock bags, specialty items: prescription meds READI BOOK, feeding formula, feminine products, paper cups, plates, utensils emergency reference manual


Who completes the right-hand side of the Event Report

Who are the Nurses


Where do you go during and Fire Drill

All homes go to the generator


32nd President of the United States the Wheelchair President

Who is FDR  Franklin D. Roosevelt


I have at least 3 days' worth of these for each person

What is food and water


To whom do always scan the Event Reports to 

Who are Debra England, Michelle Bares, and Lakesha Lathan


Where do you go during a tornado drill

What is shelter in place in an area with no Windows, staff bathroom, storage room and nurses station.


Famous for Disney Land, and Disney World, animated characters such as Snow White.

 Who was Walt Disney, he was diyslexic


I am leaving the home and I need to have the following items: 

What are the backpacks: seasonal clothing, travel books, identification name tags to wear, specialty items, wipes and depends.


Where do you turn the Yellow Event Reports into

What is the black lock box outside Debra England's door


Where do you go during a chemical spill

What is shelter in place, turn off a/c, tape off any window cracks, vents


This lady broke down many barriers and being the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. She was a pioneer and a reminder that our disabilities are not a hindrance — they’re part of who we are.  There is also a school named after her in New York that offers vocational and rehabilitation services for people who are deaf and blind.

Who Was Helen Keller


who gives the order to evacuate

who is the Commander in the command center

Franklin Dunbar or Debra England


On the back of the Event report it is important that we do not leave this area blank

What is "Probable Cause"


When should you take a photograph of an injury on someone we support

What is a skin issue such as a bruise, laceration, abrasion, burn, skin breakdown, reddened area, rash, bug bite, open areas, etc.
