Name the three ossicles and the function of the ossicles.
Malleus, Incus, Stapes
They transmit sound waves form the typmanic membrane to the inner ears.
What is the outermost layer of the eye?
What is the medical term for nearsightedness?
What type of hearing loss occurs when soundwaves cannot be transmitted to the inner ear due to a mechanical issue?
conductive hearing loss
The sense of taste is known as ________.
Which structure within the inner ear is responsible for maintaining balance?
semicircular canals
Type of cells in the retina responsible for color vision.
What is tinnitus? Name at last 1 cause of this condition.
Tinnitus is the perception of ringing or buzzing noises in the ears.
Can be caused by exposure to loud noises, ear infections, or age-related hearing loss.
Which condition occurs when the stapes becomes immobile resulting in a conductive hearing loss?
What is the term that means "loss of smell."
Name the purpose of the Organ of Corti.
It is the receptor for sound waves, which turns sound waves into nerve impuses.
Where the optic nerve connects to the retina of the eye, often called the "blind spot."
Optic Disc
This occurs when the most sensitive area for central vision deteriorates, leading to a loss of central vision.
Macular Degeneration
This condition occurs when the normally clear lens becomes cloudy or opaque and is treated by photoemulsfication.
The bending of light rays as they pass through the structures of the eye is known as ______.
In which part of the ear are the ceruminous glands found?
The auditory canal
What structure contains the muscle that control the shape of the lens to allow for accommodation?
ciliary body
What is the term for age-related hearing loss that occurs gradually over time?
Condition in which the two pupils are not of equal size
Term for the surgical removal of the eye.
Which nerve sends impulses from the semicircular canals to the cerebellum?
Vestibular Nerve (branch of the cochlearvestibular nerve)
A tiny depression in the retina near the optic nerve. It has a high concentration of cones and is the sharpest point for vision.
This condition may cause symptoms, such as flashing lights with eye movements, floater showers, and an appearance of a “black curtain” over part of the visual field.
Retinal Detachment
A small mass on the eyelid resulting from inflammation and blockage of a meibomian gland (large sebaceous glands on the eye.)
Which test measures hearing by comparing the results of bone conduction (when the tuning fork is placed on the mastoid process) and air conduction (when a tuning fork is held by the ear?)
Rinne Test