What is the principal's name when it's shortened down?
Who is Kay
Who are the fourth grade teachers?
Who are Vicky and Nancy
What kind of pet did Lauren before she left?
An Axolotl
What is an event in school that makes people cry?
What is the fifth grade graduation
Fill in the blanks:
"And w__ a__e m-m- makin__ goo__ choses."
What is answer: "And we are m-m- making good chooses."
What is the assistant principal's name?
Who is Mark
Who are the third grade teachers?
Who are Katie and Jen
What is lunch lady's name?
Who is Maria
Who are the pre k teachers?
Who are Gina and Jeremy
What are the three recess teachers names?
Who is Luc, Darald and Marcos
Who are the kindergarten teachers?
Who are Abby and Sarah
What are Verenice's pets named lola and bugs ( One of them unfortunately died )
What are the two lunch helpers names?
Who are Alan and Stephanie
Who is the second grade teacher?
Who is Verenice