This undergraduate line had the largest number of pledges
What is line 129 (21)
Name a weekday service project
San't Egidio, New Hope Housing, GUOPS
Your pledgemaster's nickname
what is Whiskey Taxing Redcoat Slasher?
This is your pledgemaster's tree
what is dynasty?
most senior undergrad sib
Who is Trinity Chikwanda?
name a celestial brother without looking at your pledgebook
just take anyone that sounds right
Name your big's nickname
What is ______?
This tree has 2 undergrad sibs on it
What is Looney?
This undergraduate line made cards to fulfill their last few service hours.
what is line 132?
This is our fraternity flower
What is a forget me not?
Your PM's littles' nickname
What is Pearl One Out?
Name the tree(s) of people of pledge committee
what is meghan-ashby, izzy-dynasty, leo-kehoe, grace-dynasty?
Your PM's line
What is line 131?
Name as many members of Eboard as possible
Who are Sara, Maddie, Anabelle, Ariana, Dani, Grace, Lauren, Caroline, Molly?
Name the nicknames of the people running this jeopardy game
What are __?
The most recently dead tree :(
what is majesty?
The line that pledged virtually
What is line 131
This is how our chapter ends the Toast Song
What is "What does a cow do? Moo!"
What is your PM's Big's Nickname
What is Weenie Hut of Horror?
this tree has an actual potato on it
what is dynasty?