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What is 648?
If two angles are supplementary, what is the sum of the angle measures?
What is the quadratic formula?
What is (-b(+or-)(b²-4ac)1/2)/2a?
What do you get when you divide a pumpkin's circumference by its diameter?
Pumpkin Pie
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What is -80?
In a right triangle, one of the angles is 30 degrees. If the hypotenuse is 8 cm, what is the length of the side opposite the 30 degrees?
What is 4 cm?
Solve the equation ∣2x−3∣=7
What is x= 5 and -2 ?
Who invented E=mc2
Albert Einstein
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What is 56 4/5?
A circle has a radius of 5 cm. What is the area of a sector formed by a central angle of 45 degrees?
What is 9.82
What are the solutions to 4x2+15x+9=0
What is -3/4 and -3?
What woman mathematician is considered the first computer programmer?
Ada Lovelace
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What is 1/4?
A triangular prism has a triangular base with sides of length 5 cm, 12 cm, and 13 cm. The height of the prism is 10 cm. What is the surface area of the prism?
What is 360 cm2?
Solve the system of equations:
What is x=3 and y=-1
Who invented calculus?
Sir Isaac Newton or Gottfried Leibniz
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What is 81447502?
What are the four ways to prove triangles congruent?
What is SAS, AAS, SSS, Hypotenuse Leg Theorem (RHS)?
Solve the polynomial x3−7x3+14x−8=0?
x= 1, 2, and 4
Whichever group can write the most digits of pi in one minute wins.
3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095 50582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559