When did the British Empire reaches its peak?
The British Empire reached its peak around 1920-1922
What is her name ?
Jane Kelly
What is the capital of England?
what is 'Innit?' A slang for?
t’s a shortened form of the phrase isn’t it
Name at least 5 countries that was apart of the British Empire?
Canada, Southwest Africa, Australia, India, Nigeria, The Bahama Islands, Kenya, and the Fiji Islands
What famous UK-Netflix series was mentioned, where the characters talk with an MLE-accent?
Top Boy
what does it mean to be reluctant
feeling or showing aversion, hesitation, or unwillingnessreluctant to get involved
also : having or assuming a specified role unwillingly
What is the capital of Scotland?
Is it?
A) Glasgow
b) Edinburg
c) Cardiff
what is b
What does it mean when a person is 'Peng'?
What is to be a attractive
Explain the saying "The sun never sets on the British Empire."
This phrase means that the British Empire was so vast that at any given moment, at least one of its territories was in daylight.
What is the term for when you change the way you speak?
What was Jane kelly's intention ?
What is the difference between Great Britain and the Uk
The difference is that Northern Ireland is only welcomed in the UK
What does Bonkers mean?
Not necessarily intended in a bad way, "bonkers" means “mad” or “crazy.”
What was the purpose of the British Empire?
There are 3 answers. Explain at least one.
a. Politically: To expand Britain's influence, strengthen its global power, as well as counter rivals.
b. Economically: To extract resources (cotton, tea, spices, gold, etc.), establish trade routes, and create markets for British goods.
c. Culturally: To spread British values, language, education, and religion (often through missionaries). This was sometimes justified under the idea of the "White Man’s Burden," the belief that Britain had a duty to "civilize" its colonies.
Translate this to typical english:
"Bruv, I was bare tired, but man still went to the rave, innit?"
"Brother, i was really tired, but I still went to the party, right?
What is a homophone
Which of these countries is a republic?
a) the republic of Wales
b) The republic of Scotland
c) The republic of Ireland
what is C
What is a 'Chav'?
This is a derogatory British slang word for a young hooligan who normally starts fights and makes trouble. “Chavs” are usually seen as lower class.
When did India gain independence?
India gained independence in 1947
Fam, you ain't even clocked it yet, but man’s been grafting all week, tryna stack some P, you get me?"
Mate, you haven’t even realized it yet, but I’ve been working hard all week, trying to save up some money, you know?"
So we know a lot about the UK, but who is it's prime minsiter?
a) Boris Johnson
b) Thatcher
C) Keir Starmer
D)Michael D. Higgins
what is C
What is ' a Spliff'
A joint