How many dancers took us through a "mesmerizing journey through the evolution of Kpop dance and music?"
3 students
How many trifold's where present during Multicultural show?
7 in total
Who did the opening for the Multicultural Night show?
Emilio Escobar
Which period was not able to see the Multicultural Show?
Period 7
How many times was the performance "Little Apple" performed?
1 time in the morning show
1 time in the night show
How many dances did the Folk Mexican Dance Group performed during the Night Show?
3 dances
What artists did Josiah Prescod performed the song titled "Dreaming of You"?
Selena Quintanilla
Can you name at least ONE of the performers that danced the South Asian danced?
-Karishma Pajulla
-Saman Khalil
Which officer created the Spain trifold?
Vicent Dominguez
What was the first performance of the Night Show?
The Mexican Folk Dance Group
What was the name of the Latin Skit?
"Nero and Agrippina"
Name ONE officer that performed "Different but the Same" in French & Spanish.
French: Leah Corea & Vicen Dominguez
Spanish: Michelle MendezWho did both a trifold, and was the first performance of the Day Show?
Joanne Chavez
Did the officers get to try the food during the Night Show?
Sadly NO
Who was the soloist that signed ""Vois Sur Ton Chemin"?
Kheyla Perez
What was the Starbucks drink that Emilio was drinking during the day?
Strawberry Acai Lemonade Refresher
Which Trifold's were posted on the Bay Shore School District Facebook?
China & Thailand
What type of coffee was Emilio drinking during the Night Show?
Ice Vanilla Latte
Who was the closing performance for Period 9?
The Dance Team