How many freeways are in Los Angeles County?
There are 88 cities in Los Angeles County. Which three cities have the largest population?
How many stations are covered in adopted Metro First/Last Mile plans?
With the completion of the Southeast Gateway FLM plan in May 2024, we have adopted plans covering 65 stations and stops.
What was the first freeway constructed in the Western United States?
Arroyo Seco Parkway or Pasadena Freeway SR-110
How many Metrolink stations are in LA County?
How much money has been secured for implementation of Metro FLM plans?
Metro FLM plans have helped attract just over $96 million from a combination of sources (Metro Measure M, State grants, and federal grants)
How many miles of freeway are in Los Angeles County?
650 miles
Approximately how much funding does Metro provide Metrolink annually for operations, maintenance, and state of good repair?
$200 million
What percentage of Measure M is dedicated to active transportation and first/last mile projects?
2%, which will result in $2.4 billion in investment over the first 40 years.
What percentage of Measure R funding does the Complete Streets & Highways team manage?
Besides the freight rail and air cargo system, how are goods transported in LA County?
On the same roads used by buses, trains, cars, bicycles, assisted mobility devices, and pedestrians.
What distance to transit stations do first/last mile projects cover for pedestrians and bicyclists?
Pedestrian projects are identified within a half-mile radius around each station
Bicycle projects are identified within a three-mile radius around each station.
Can you name the Highway Project Development Process from start to finish?
Project Initiation Document (PID); Project Approval & Environmental Document (PA&ED); Plans Specifications & Estimates (PS&E); Right-of-way (ROW); Construction; Close-out
Metro coordinates freight transportation with the Ports of LA and Long Beach. Approximately what percentage of all seaborne containers in California do these two ports handle?
What is the total cost to build the entire network of FLM areas across LA County?
Roughly $22 billion