What type of Coverage is needed to be able to make any contact attempt?
What is Comprehensive.
For a property claim to require a Ladder Assist to be assigned, what is the pitch of the roof requirements?
What is 4/12 or over.
What soda is the number 1 selling in the US?
What is Coca-Cola.
Who Won new artist of the year 2022?
Who is Olivia Rodrigo.
What Social Media app is most commonly used for Friends and Family networks?
what is Facebook
If insured is in an un-resourced county, what type of CPT scripting would be used?
What is The Auto MOID Escalation.
If a claim has NO roof damages, but has fence damages only, what workgroup would the claim need to be reassigned to?
What is National Resource Storm Team.
What two words were combined to make the word "Spam" ?
Which streaming platform has the most classic animated child movies?
What is Disney+.
Which Social Media app is mostly used by Children?
What is TikTok.
How many contact attempts are required before adding the "closure task" to the claim?
What is 10 days.
What should both segmentations be set as if an insured has companion claims?
What is Coordinated Low.
What are the names of the Rice Krispies mascots?
Who is Snap, Crackle & Pop.
Before Miley Cyrus recorded "wrecking Ball" who was it offered to?
Who is Beyoncé.
Which Social Media app do most celebrities use?
What is Instagram.
If insured has multiple claims what do you want to be sure you do on each?
What is notate claim of each companions/add an alert on claim.
How many days of contact attempts are needed before able to assign an IA for handling?
What is 7 days.
Where was the cheeseburger born?
Where is Colorado.
Freddy Krueger wears a striped sweater that is which colors?
What is Red and Green.
Which Social Media app uses a bird as their logo?
What is Twitter.
Who handles Auto claims that have a Rental Policy only?
Who is CIU - Coverage Investigate Unit.
If insured has a Public Adjuster represented AND documentation is listed on claim, what workgroup handles these types of claims?
What is The Resource Dispatch Specialty Team
Which fast food outlet has the largest number of restaurants in the world?
What is Subway.
What is Post Malone's favorite Restaurant?
What is Olive Garden.
On which Social Media app is where most Memes originate from?
What is Reddit.