When Jacob saw the wave, he ran towards his Mom.
Wave: An ocean wave or a person waving.
We couldn't figure out the change.
Change: The money you get back from the cashier or a significant difference in a thing/person/place.
Do you see the check?
1. A check mark like you got an answer correct
2. the receipt you get from a waiter after you have finished eating
3. a written order to a bank to pay money
The bird is free.
Free: No payment is required for the bird or it has escaped/been released.
The cell was shaped like a rectangle.
Cell: A small room that would hold a prisoner, the smallest structure of a living thing, a type of phone that is portable
Mary's teacher instructed her to write a letter on her piece of paper.
Letter: A letter of the alphabet or a letter that you would put in an envelope.
It was cool.
Cool: A colder temperature or interesting/engaging.
The mold is in the refrigerator.
Mold: The fungus that grows on old food or a hollow container that can shape wax or metal into a specific shape.
I saw a bat in the corner of the room.
Bat: A baseball bat or the nocturnal animal.
I don't have anymore dough.
Dough: Bread before it before it has been baked or it is another word for money.
My aunt chose a simple ring.
Ring: A ring that goes on your finger or a ringtone for your phone.
It was light.
Light: It was bright or it was not heavy.
The company is still here.
Company: A big business or people who came over to visit.
That kid couldn't find its mother.
Kid: A human child or a baby goat.
The bark was very unusual
Bark: The sound a dog makes or the rough texture on the outside of a tree.
The young girl got very excited when she saw the first star.
Star: A star in the sky or a star like a celebrity (Tom Holland, Ariana Grande)
Did you see the post?
Post: Publishing something online (e.g., a comment on social media, writing on a blog) or a support column, like on a fence.
I can see the bill.
Bill: A draft of a law or an amount of money owed for rent/car payment/insurance.
The man was really cold.
Cold: He felt cold or he was rude/indifferent.
I saw the crane near the beach.
Crane: A type of long-necked bird or the large construction machine.
That man almost ran into the trunk.
Trunk: The trunk of a car or the trunk of a tree.
Can you find the seal?
Seal: The marine animal or a substance/device that joins two things together and keeps them from coming apart.
My calves were feeling tired.
Calves: The muscle on the back of your leg or baby cows.
The tie was a real disappointment.
Tie: A game/match where two people/teams end with the same score or an article of clothing worn around the neck usually for a formal event.
The date was sweet
Date: Where people out for coffee/ go to the movies/go out to dinner together or a type of fruit.