Sentence Matching
Definition Given
Pick The Definition
Which Sentence?
The employee put a caution sign up so no one would slip on the wet floor. A. The man will slip on the wet floor if he's not careful. B. We need a permission slip in order to go on the trip. C. The messenger handed the slip of paper to the teacher.
A. The man will slip on the wet floor if he's not careful.
definition for ground: to stop an airplane from flying A. When we heard gunfire, everyone hit the ground. B. The Federal Aviation Administration had to ground several flights because of weather
B. The Federal Aviation Administration had to ground several flights because of weather
definition for punt: an open flat bottom boat A. The punt traveled thirty yards. B. The punt has square ends and an open, flat bottom.
B. The punt has square ends and an open, flat bottom.
We took a tour deep into a mine. I saw where people used to find gold! A. place where minerals are found B. something I own C. explosive
A. place where minerals are found
Ouch...I think I twisted my arm! A. The setting of the sapphire is called an ouch. B. You don't hear people use the term ouch when they speak of jewelry settings because it is an old term. C. Ouch...I think I have a splinter!
C. Ouch...I think I have a splinter!
Lack of money drove Joyce to sell the farm. A. The blizzard drove Marlene to decide to stay home and be alone on Christmas. B.Dad drove us to the mall but Mom said she would take us home. C. The family drove three hours to see the ocean.
A. The blizzard drove Marlene to decide to stay home and be alone on Christmas.
definition for cuff: a fold at the bottom of a sleeve A. The blood pressure cuff was tight around my arm. B. James rolled up the cuff on the sleeve.
B. James rolled up the cuff on the sleeve.
definition for ramp: a plant related to onions A. A new entrance ramp was created over the summer. B.Did you know the ramp was safe to eat according to our nature guide?
B.Did you know the ramp was safe to eat according to our nature guide?
I totally understand how to divide decimals. I have a handle on it! A. part of object used to hold something B. to understand C. to control
B. to understand
One pant leg was longer than the others. A. The family became concerned when Dorothy started to pant at the store. B. I usually pant after running up six flights of stairs to reach my apartment. C.The bottom of the pant leg had paint on it.
C.The bottom of the pant leg had paint on it.
Matt stroked his dog's back to calm him down. A. The stroke left her paralyzed on the right side of her body. B The man had a stroke and was incapable of walking. C.The little girl stroked her doll's hair.
C.The little girl stroked her doll's hair.
definition for slot: a position in an organization A. Who in the department is qualified to fill the administrative assistant slot? B. Put the quarter in the slot of the vending machine.
A. Who in the department is qualified to fill the administrative assistant slot?hat is
definition for grip: a tight hold A. Ellen thought she had a firm grip on the physics chapter until she tried to complete her homework that night. B. The toddler would not get away because of the grip his mom had on him.
B. The toddler would not get away because of the grip his mom had on him.
When I play Super Smash Brothers, I like to pick Princess Peach because she hits people with a tennis racket. A. loud noise B. netted object used in sports
B. netted object used in sports
He mowed the yard on Sunday afternoon. A. My stride is about one yard in length. B. A football field is 100 yards long. C. My dog loves to run in the yard.
C. My dog loves to run in the yard.
The sailors girded the deck as they approached the enemy ship. A. The soldiers girded for battle. B. Carol decided to gird the young tree with a small fence for protection. C. The trees girded the property, thus making it secluded.
A. The soldiers girded for battle.
definition for scour: to clean thoroughly A. The bride-to-be plans to scour the bridal shops to find her dream wedding gown. B. Jack promised to scour the grease from the pan.
B. Jack promised to scour the grease from the pan.
definition for pitch: to throw or toss A. Dad made us pitch our own tent when we went camping. B. Kelsey was told to pitch the trash to the curb.
B. Kelsey was told to pitch the trash to the curb.
The pupils sat quietly in rows as they took their Reading DFA. a. center of an eye b. student
b. student
I went to take a piece of bread from the bag, but it was too stale. A. I forgot to seal the wrapper so now the raisin bread was stale. B. There was nothing new and creative about the stale room. C. We couldn't laugh at the stale joke.
A. I forgot to seal the wrapper so now the raisin bread was stale.
We could not listen to Daniel anymore because his ideas were bunk. A. The executive wanted to hear substantial ideas, not bunk. B Can I sleep on the bottom bunk? C. Do you want to sleep in the top bunk?
A. The executive wanted to hear substantial ideas, not bunk.
definition for live: burning or containing energy A. The live bomb could explode at any time. B. The television show was live tonight, not prerecorded as usual.
A. The live bomb could explode at any time.
definition for strip: to remove the covering from A. I applied a strip of paper to the project. B. The nurse's aide needed to strip the bed before the new patient arrived.
B. The nurse's aide needed to strip the bed before the new patient arrived
Head on over whenever you are ready. a. part of body containing the brain b. the front of something c. the boss of something d. forward movement
d. forward movement
The Cub Scout was taught to create a loop as part of the knot-making process. A. Tory was taught to create a loop in order to tie her shoes. B. On my website, I created a segment loop. C. The producer created a loop to be broadcast during the newsreel.
A. Tory was taught to create a loop in order to tie her shoes.