Name two meanings for ball
A bouncing toy
where Cinderella danced until midnight
Name two meanings for watch
Something that tells time
To look at something for a very long time
Name two meanings for leave
Goes away
parts of trees that fall down and change colors
Name two meanings for duck.
A quacking animal OR to move downward to avoid something
Name two meanings for bat.
Type of baseball equipment OR a nocturnal animal that flies in the air.
Name two meanings for calf
A body part
a baby cow
Name two meanings for bill
A part of a bird
A piece of paper that tells you how much money you owe
Name two meanings for the word ring
The sound a technology device makes
Name two meanings for bark
A part of a tree
The sound a dog makes
Name two meanings for the word right
Opposite of left
OR another word for correct
Name two meanings for fan
big supporter of something
a device that blows air
Name two meanings for light
Opposite of heavy
the opposite of dark
Name two meanings for bark
A dog's sound
the outside covering of a tree
Name two meanings for trip.
A vacation OR to stumble and fall
Name two meanings for hard.
Another word for difficult OR the opposite of soft.
Name two meanings for fall
A season
to come down
Name two meanings for the word pitcher
A person who throws a baseball
a container for pouring beverages
A person who rules
something used to measure
Name two meanings for cook
a person who cooks
to prepare food to eat
Name two meanings for cold
feeling ill or to describe a temperature
Name two meanings for park
A place with trees and swings
to put a car in a particular place
Name two meanings for pen
a school supply that's used to write
a place that can contain animals
Name two meanings for the word stick
Part of a branch that has fallen
to cling to something like glue
Name two meanings for light
A source of technology to brighten a room
something that doesn't feel as heavy.
Name two meanings for wave
to use your hand to say hello/bye
something that the ocean makes