Jonathan was placed in a math corequisite for 1 hour
What is an example of a course placement for non college readiness?
Summer 2020 - Summer 2022
What is the time frame THECB has established for using MM?
Math & English Department Chairs from NLC, NVC, PAC, SAC, & SPC
Who developed the Alamo Colleges Model?
Mary was placed in a credit course based on her College Prep Score.
What is college ready for college prep (score of 75 or better)
What is the THECB rule for placing dual credit students in MM?
SLT, VPs of Academic & Student Success, Board of Trustees
Who approved the use of Multiple Measures at Alamo Colleges District.
Max ended up taking a Refresher based on MM model.
How is student placed without any assessment in Math?
The use of MM statewide is being studied by THECB to determine future use.
Will THECB keep MM as an option?
Determining whether or not HS student will succeed if placed with MM.
What is the role of the High School Program Director/Coordinator and HS counselor?
Destiny's High School GPA and course history placed her in Math 1332
What is a GPA of 80 or greater and a grade of B or better in HS Algebra II?
Term for Multiple Measures
What is a COVID Waiver
Placement of student in corequisite based on college prep course scores.
What is a College Prep Score of 70-74?
High School Assessment used for placement for both dual credit and first time in college students.
What is the STAAR assessment?
Exceptional Circumstances
What is Rule 4.55a in the Texas Administrative Code?
Advisors, High School Program staff/Director, Testing, Admissions, Enrollment Coaches, Welcome Center, Faculty
Who is responsible for using MM in placement of students?