Causes and Definition
Nursing Care
The type of disorder multiple sclerosis is.
What is an autoimmune disorder.
Is there a cure for mulitple sclerosis? If so what is it?
There is no cure for multiple sclerosis but there are various medical interventions that have been proven to help alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.
The age range symptoms usually start to manifest, even though a person can get multiple sclerosis at any point in their lives.
What do the ages of 20-40 years old have to do with M.S.?
How much more likely are women to get multiple sclerosis than men?
Women are 2-3 times more likely than men to get multiple sclerosis.
What is an important thing to remember when talking to a person with multiple sclerosis?
Talk slowly and allow them time to answer as many people with MS have cognitive difficulties that would affect their ability to form thoughts and remember things.
The name of the part of the nerve that gets damaged in people who have multiple sclerosis.
What is myelin sheath.
What is one type of treatment that can help improve quality of life?
Physical Therapy
These are four common symptoms of M.S.
What are blurred vision, blader/bowel problems (such as urinary incontinece), loss of balance, clumsiness, weakness in an arm or leg, major depression, and/or fatigue?
The ratio of people out of 1000 that are said to be affected by multiple sclerosis.
What is 1 in 1000?
Is care for a person with multiple sclerosis always the same?
No, people with MS can vary greatly in their symptoms from person to person and from time to time depending on the type of MS.
What type of disease is multiple sclerosis?
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic and usually progressive disease.
The usage of things such as Betaseron, Avonex, Rebif, Copaxone, Tysari, and Novatrone to treat multiple sclerosis.
What are medications to help alter the direction of the disease/alleviate symptoms.
Tests used to diagnose multiple sclerosis.
What are MRI, spinal tap, and evoked potentials?
The amount of people in the world who are living with multiple sclerosis.
What does about 2.5 million people worldwide have to do in relation to M.S.?
What is one ADL that you can assist with and encourage a person with MS to do?
Ambulating, but make sure to offer periods of rest as well.
Two of the potential causes of multiple sclerosis.
What are genetic and environmental factors.
The aimed effect of medications to treat multiple sclerosis.
They are used to help reduce the amount and severity of attacks, supress T cells from damaging the myelin, and reducing inflamation of the myelin.
There is no test that can tell a person with complete certainty that they have M.S.
Why is it so difficult to diagnost multiple scerlosis?
The climate/regions of the world that are about 5 times more likely to find people with M.S.
What are temperate climates such as the northern United States, Canada, and Europe?
What is another important task that will help a person with MS maintaing good muscles?
Range of Motion is an important part of Nursing Assistant care.
Body movements (includuing spasms) occur because of this.
What is damaged myelin. It means that the messages being sent throughout the body will be negativley affected.
The type of treatment that has been shown to shorten the duration of acute attacks.
What are steroids.
A large part in deciding the diagnosis for a person who may have M.S.
What is a complete health/neurological history and a detailed discussion of a persons symptoms?
What is an interesting fact regarding the development of multiple sclerosis as far as genetics is concerned?
Multiple sclerosis has been found to skip a generation.
What is one thing to remember for the diet of a perosn with MS?
Make sure to offer pleanty of fluids and a healthy balanced diet.