The answer to a multiplication problem
The answer to this multiplication problem is 4
2 x 2 or 4 x 1
The answer to this multiplication problem is 15
5 x 3
The answer to this multiplication problem is 20
10 x 2
The answer to this multiplication problem is 9
3 x 3
A word that indicates multiplication
The answer to this multiplication problem is 6
3 x 2 or 6 x 1
The answer to this multiplication problem is 25
5 x 5
The answer to this multiplication problem is 40
10 x 4
The answer to this multiplication problem is 14
2 x 7
A number that is multiplied to get a product
The answer to this multiplication problem is 8
4 x 2 or 8 x 1
The answer to this multiplication problem is 35
7 x 5
The answer to this multiplication problem is 60
10 x 6
The answer to this multiplication problem is 16
4 x 4
A word that indicates multiplication
Multiplied by
The answer to this multiplication problem is 10
5 x 2 or 10 x 1
The answer to this multiplication problem is 45
9 x 5
The answer to this multiplication problem is 80
10 x 8
The answer to this multiplication problem is 18
9 x 2
two times
The answer to this multiplication problem is 12
6 x 2 or 4 x 3 or 12 x 1
The answer to this multiplication problem is 55
11 x 5
The answer to this multiplication problem is 100
10 x 10
The answer to this multiplication problem is 21
3 x 7