338 divided by 13
.56 divided by .02
There are 730 students at White House Middle School. If each classroom holds 30 students, how many classroom are needed at the middle school?
25 classrooms are needed
32 x 54
Mrs. Baylor will show problem on board. Fill in the blanks.
Answer---> answer should be written like this
Box 1=
Box 2=
Box 1= 3
Box 2= 8
9618 divided by 21
32.6 x .4
During his 18 day vacation, Cam took 4,608 photos. He took the same number of photos each day. How many photos did Cam take per day?
256 photos each day
861 x12
Mrs. Baylor will show the problem on the white board.\
Answer---> answer should be written like this
Box 1=
Box 2=
Box 1= 2
Box 2= 6
41376 divided by 48
9.204 divided by 3.9
A group of students is sorting 2646 cans of food into boxes. Each box holds 14 cans. How many boxes are needed?
189 boxes
214 x 89
Mrs. Baylor will show problem on board. Fill in the blanks.
box 1= 6
box 2= 0
box 3= 12
box 4= 6
48695 divided by 8
6086 remainder of 7
62.45 x 2.59
The Baylor family drove 222.7 miles yesterday. They use 8.5 gallons of gas.. How many miles per gallon did the car get?
28.4 miles per gallon
401 x 225
Mrs. Baylor will show problem on board. Fill in the blanks. Make sure you place the decimal correctly.
Box 1=2
Box 2= 8
Where does the decimal go?
36,982 divided by 19
1946 remainder of 8
2400 divided by .25
The Baylor family drove 222.7 miles yesterday. They use 8.5 gallons of gas. The Baylor's drove and average speed of 50 miles per hours. How many hours did they drive?
1263 x 23
Mrs. Baylor will show problem on board. Fill in the blanks.
Box 1= 7
Box 2= 8
Box 3= 0
Box 4= 0
Box 5= 3
Box 6= 8
Box 7= 1
Box 8=4