What is the finger trick for multiplying by nines?
Start at the left finger and count over by what you are multiplying nine by. That is the gap between your tens and ones.
Round 49 to the nearest ten
2 x ? = 6
Name the first 4 numbers skip counting by 5
5, 10 , 15, 20
Who was the student who flung their shoe across the room?
A "W"
Round 2,387 to the nearest hundred
? x 7 = 49
Skip count all of the 2's until you reach 2 x 12
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24
What is Ms. Pfaff's go-to breakfast from Crave?
Redbull and Bagel Breakfast Sandwich
What two 6s equations can we rhyme to find the answer?
6 x 6 is 36
6 x 8 is 48
Round 4,571 to the nearest hundreds
36 / ? = 9
100 200 ___ 400 What is the missing factor?
Name ALL of the students that Ms. Pfaff taught in preschool that are at this school.
Parker, Eden K., Jensen, Emilia, Tinley
When multiplying by 10, what trick do we use to find the answer?
Add a 0 to the end of the number
Round 9,321 to the nearest ten
55 / ? = 5
4 8 12 16 20 are the first 5 multiples of skip counting pattern?
What is something that Calvin asks Ms. Pfaff everyday?
Can I sit on the wall in the gym?
What is the 8 x 8 chant?
8 times 8 drop it on the floor, pick it back up it's 64
8 x 8 is 64
Round 742,536 to the nearest hundred
108 / ? = 9
Name first four numbers when skip counting by 25
25 50 75 100
What are Ms. Pfaff's parents first names?
Brad (Mr. Bradley) and Katie