In this equation what is the divisor?
349 divided by 7 equals ?
12 x 3
There are 35 Martians in a spaceship headed for Earth. All of a sudden, the monkey realized there were 3 times as many Martians as first thought. How many Martians are there?
There are 105 Martians.
What are the school's colors?
Blue and Yellow
Quotient is the ____________ in _____________.
answer , division
There were five monkeys in a tree and as a dazzle of zebras galloped by them each monkey belted them with a dozen rotten tomatoes. How many tomatoes did the monkey throw in all?
The zebras got belted with 60 tomatoes.
How many Specials classes do you get?
5: counselor, music, library, PE, art
What is the answer in multiplication?
__________ times _________ = 72
9 x 8 or 8 x 9
A pride of lions was lying in the sun. They were minding their own business when a flock of seagulls decided to bomb them with eggs as they flew over them. There were 134 seagulls, and each seagull bombed 9 eggs. How many eggs bombed the pride.
They bombed 1,206 eggs.
What color are Mr. Chaires' eyes?