2 X (-15) =
What is (-30)
15 + 3 ÷ 3 =
What is 16
-148 / 2 =
What is -74
The resulting sign when two different signs are multiplied together
What is a negative
(-13) x 4 =
What is (-52)
3^2 + 10 x 3 =
What is 39
-2/5 ÷ -3/5 =
What is 10/15 or 2/3
The sign of the following answer: (-2) x 4 x (-3) x (-3) x (-6) =
What is a positive
(-2) x (-2) x (-2) x (-2)=
What is 16
18 - (15/3) - 4 x 2
What is 5
-2 1/3 ÷ - 3/4 =
What is 28/9 or 3 1/9
When you divide a positive number by a negative number the answer will be ______
What is negative
-3/5 x -1 1/2 =
What is 9/10
2^3 - (4 + 2) x 3 -1 =
What is -11
3 2/3 ÷ - 1 1/4
What is -44/15 or -2 14/15
The sign of the following quotient? (-4) / (-4) =
What is positive
-3 1/3 x 4 1/4 =
What is -170/12 or -14 1/6
12 ÷ (-4) x (-5)^2 +7 =
What is -68
-3 2/5 ÷ 2 3/4 =
What is -68/55 or -1 13/55
The sign of the product when you multiply an ODD amount of negative numbers together.
What is negative