What do people store the pharaoh organ.
canopic jars
what first of mummufication
clean the body
what are the second to the king
what is the amulet that help you protect your heart
scarb amulet
what is the 6th step of mummification
they clean it again
What is the thing as Egypt people go to after they die
what is the second rule of mummufication
they remove the brain
what catorgy is slave in
last catorgy
what does the 2 fingers amulet do
magicly heals you when doing the mummification
what is the 7th step of mummification
wrap the body
What do they cover Pharaoh in when they die.
what the 3 rule of mummufication
remove the other organ
what happens when you are a king getting ready to become a mummy
what does the eye of hours do
A it protect pharaoh tomb
B it heals you
c It help you see better
A it protect pharaoh tomb
what is the 10th step of mummification
put the pharaoh body in the sarcophagus
What do they put on human so there skin can decompose
in the 4th step they store organs what do they fill the canopic jars with
natron salt
What was the stuff they seal the mummy in the lien
what is the 8th step to mummification.
planting amulets
what is the 9th step of mummification
funeral ceremony when they do the Opening of the mouth
What is the thing people take the the afterlife with them
book of dead
what is the 5 step of mummufication
we dry body with salt/natron
what Is it called when you present the mummy of a king.
open of mouth
what does the book of dead do
it help you use spell to get to the afterlife
what God/goddess is the one who killed osiris.