Who is the chief administrative officer of the UN, the head of UN secretariats?
What is the role of vice-chairs?
Vice chairs replace the main chair when they are absent.
Who is the president of a committee?
What is a point of personal privilege?
Delegates are allowed to ask the chair for personal accommodations
Who are the heads of each department at a MUN conference?
Under Secretary-General
A motion
What word refers to nation who is attending a committee but is not a natural member of the committee?
What is a point of information?
Allows a delegate to ask another delegate a question, typically after a nation has spoken or during a moderated caucus.
Within the general assembly, all ____ have one vote
Member States
What is the role of VPs?
VPs cover for the PGA when he or she is absent, and facilitates complex negotiations. They may also chair in informal meetings.
What is a point of order?
“Calling out” anyone the committee for not following the RoP of the conference
What is the role of a page?
A volunteer who has the role of passing notes between the delegates.
To set aside a matter being discussed for later or completely suspend it.
What refers to the rules of a committee?
Rules of Procedure (RoP)
What is a point of entertainment?
“Ice breakers” for the committee, informal point
A role equal to the rank of secretary general. What is their job?
Director-General:In charge of the logistics or academics of a conference.
What is decorum?
Decorum is called by the chair when the committee is too loud or disrespectful. You should quietly return to your seat if this is called.
What is the job of the Rapporteur?
The Rappatour reviews the secretary’s report on the Committee’s work at the end of a GA session, and presents the report at the closing plenary session.
What is right of reply?
Delegates are able to use the Right of reply when they feel insulted by another nation’s speech, and the country that “insulted” will have a certain amount of time to counter the claim.