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A request made by a delegate that the committee as a whole should do something.

What is a motion?


A group of countries in a similar geographical region or with a similar position on a particular topic.

What is bloc?


A country that wishes a draft resolution to be put on the floor and signs the draft resolution to accomplish this.  Usually, Model UN conferences require some minimum number of sponsors and these countries for a draft resolution to be approved.

What is a signatory?


The most senior staff of a Model UN conference.

Who is the secretariat?


Having to do with the topic being discussed.  A vote of this type is a vote on a draft resolution.  Only member states may vote on these issues.

What is substantive?


A request raised by a delegate for information or for an action relating to that delegate.  Examples include a point of order and a point of personal privilege. 

What is a point?


A break in formal debate in which countries can more easily discuss a topic. 

There are two types: moderated and regular.

What is a caucus?


The part of a resolution that describes previous actions taken on the topic and reasons why the resolution is necessary.  It begins with a participle or adjective (noting, concerned, regretting, aware of, recalling, etc.).

What is the pre-ambulatory clause?


A document that has been passed by an organ of the UN that aims to address a particular problem or issue. 

What is a resolution?


A type of caucus in which delegates leave their seats to mingle and speak freely, enabling the free sharing of ideas to an extent not possible otherwise. Frequently used to sort countries into blocs and to write working papers and draft resolutions.

Regular Caucus


This generally signals that a state does not support the resolution being voted on, but does not oppose it enough to vote no.

What is to abstain?


The group of people in charge of a Model UN committee.  It generally consists of a president, vice president, and rapporteur.

What is the dais?


The leader of a Model UN conference.

Who is the secretary general?


One of the writers of a draft resolution.

What is a sponsor?


The first order of business in a Model UN committee, during which the rapporteur reads aloud the names of each member state in the committee.  When the name of a delegate's country is called, he or she may respond “the delegation of (name of country) present and voting."

What is the roll call?


This means that the debate is suspended until the next meeting. 

What is to adjourn?


The order and respect for others that all delegates at a Model UN conference must exhibit.  The president will call for decorum when he/she feels that the committee is not being respectful of a speaker, of the dais, or of their roles as ambassadors.

What is decorum?


Used to comment on a previous speaker's comment, invoked when a delegate feels personally insulted by another's speech.  It requires a written note to the president. 

What is the right of reply?


A student or teacher in a Model UN committee that has volunteered to pass notes from one delegate to another or from a delegate to the dais, for a short period.

Who is the page?


A summary of a country's position on a topic, written by a delegate before a Model UN conference.

What is a position paper?


A change to a draft resolution that will be voted. It must be submitted to the president in writing. 

What is an amendment?


It is a document delegates write that contains ideas on how to resolve an issue, and it is frequently the precursor to a draft resolution.

What is a working paper?


A piece of cardstock with a country's name on it that a delegate raises in the air to signal to the president that he or she wishes to speak.

What is a placard?


A member of the dais whose duties include keeping the speakers' list and taking the roll call.  He/she is also responsible for writing a summary of the debate each day to be submitted to the conference press team.

Who is the rapporteur?


Determines the order in which delegates will speak. Whenever a new topic is opened for discussion, the president will create one of these by asking all delegates wishing to speak to raise their placards and calling on them one at a time.  During debate, a delegate may indicate that he or she wishes to be added to this by sending a note to the dais.

What is a speakers list?
