What's the name of one of the victims?
Alexander or Rebbeca Smith
Name all 4 of the suspects.
Henry Bawer, Anton Geisler, Mary Ann Abott, and Francis Curran.
Which 2 people both had fingerprints on the hammer?
Henry Bawer & Anton Geisler
True or False. You can figure out how much a person weighs based off of their footprints.
What are the Scale patterns?
Coronal, Spinous, and Imbricate.
When did the victims die?
November 13, 1842.
Why did Mr.Smith mock Anton Geisler?
Mr. Smith mocked him because he couldn’t speak English.
No, arches do not have delta.
Who's footprint was near both the workshop & East Room window?
Anton Geisler.
What is the Medulla?
The hair shaft has a central layer, or core called the Medulla.
How old is Rebecca Smith?
57 years old.
How did Henry Bawer receive cuts on his hand?
He says from doing farm chores.
Are fingerprints an individual characteristic?
How do you examine a footprint and prepare it for possible submission as evidence?
Create plaster “castings” of a footprint.
True or false. Hair shape alone is not a useful indicator of a person’s ancestral characteristics.
How did Alexander Smith die?
A blow to the head.
Mary Ann Abbot was Mrs. Smith’s niece. True or False.
Who fingerprints are on the teacup?
Mary Ann Abbot.
Who's footprint is near the front porch? (It's 2 people name 1 or both)
Francis Curran & Henry Bawer.
How is hair color discovered?
The color of hair is determined by the amount and type of the melanin pigment contained within the cortex.
Mrs. Smith was lying in the right corner of the fireplace.
How much did Alexander Smith agree to pay Anton Geisler?
$4 for his first moth of work.
What are the different types of loops?
Radical Loop & Ulnar Loop.
When does footprint impressions occur?
When material, such as soil, takes on the form of a shoe or a bare foot though direct physical contact.
The hair on the East Room window belonged to who?
Anton Geisler