Mary, Rocks & Minerals
Mashal, Light
Mary, Animal's & Habitat's

A ruby is..

A red gemstone


What is a fossil?

A fossil is a human, animal, or plant remainings. This is a easy question but still good job if you got it correct!


Who invented the first light bulb?

Thomas Edison was the person who invented the first light bulb. Great job if you got this right!


Where does an owl live?

The forest. This was an easy question but still great job if you got this!


What are megaphones used for?

They are used for getting other people's attention. Again this was an easy question but if you got it right still great job!


How is a sedimentary rock formed?

It's formed with pieces of pre-existing rocks. This one was easy great job if you got it!


What is Paleontology?

Paleontology is the research of fossils ranging from animal fossils to plant fossils. Good job if you got this question right!


What color is light?

Light is a combination of all colors. If you got that one right your amazing at this!


How much of the ocean have we explored?

We have explored 5% of the ocean. We have a very very very long way to go.


What part of the ear is like a yogurt container? 

Our eardrum is like a yogurt container because it is a thin layer of skin that can vibrate up and down just like the plastic wrap. If you got this question you have lots of good memory!


How are metamorphic rocks formed?

When Hot molten rock Crystallizes/Solidifies. Wow amazing job if you got this one right!


Why do we study fossils?

We study fossils so we can learn about prehistoric animals, plants, or humans who lived before us. Your doing great with these questions!


What does ROYG.BIV stand for?

It stands for Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. Whoever got this you have a good memory!


Which ocean animal is immortal?

The immortal Jellyfish you can tell it is immortal because of its name. You are doing great with animals and habitats keep up the amazing work!


What causes sound?

Vibration causes sound because when something vibrates, it moves back and forth very quickly. You have awesome memory if you got this right!


Is the rock Marble an Igneous rock or Metamorphic rock?

Marble is a metamorphic rock. Good job if you got this one right!


What was the first Tyrannosaurus found?

It Was Found in Saskatchewan, Canada. And it's said that this Tyrannosaurus Rex roamed the earth 66 million years ago. Wow that's crazy but great job if you got this!


How are rainbows made?

When sunlight hits a rain droplet, some of the light is reflected making a rainbow. Wow, good job to whoever got this right!


What is the average life span of a blue whale?

The average lifespan of a whale is 80-90 years. Wow, you are doing great!


What can sound travel through?

Sound travels through matter for example: air. This was one hard but great job if you got it!


What is the rarest gemstone?

Painite. Amazing job if you got this right!


Which rock are fossils found in?

They are found in Sedimentary rocks. Great job if you got this right you have a good memory.


How are shadows formed?

Shadows are formed when an opaque object or material is placed in the path of rays of light. You are so smart if you got this!


What is a apex predator?

An apex predator is a predator at the top of the food chain that is not prey to any animal in the food chain. Wow if you remember this you have awesome memory!


Where does your voice begin?

Our voice begins in the larynyx. Wow I am impressed you remember this!
