By the end of the semester, I will have learned to play these four instruments.
What are the violin, viola, cello, and bass.
The KEY to most things in life.
What is communication?
I turned in my performance assessment but I didn't like it.
What is contact Dr. Reed to find a date to perform the piece in person during office hours.
Before teaching two mini-teaching labs, you use a template on Canvas to construct this.
What is a lesson plan.
All assignments are turned in here.
What is Canvas.
The best way to keep track of assignments.
What is a calendar or Canvas.
I have this many excused absences for the semester.
What is 4
Performed in class (2) or via video submission in class (3). You will receive feedback from the instructor and peers and submit a self-reflection for the overall grade.
What is a performance assessment.
You can can click on a link in Canvas or my email signature to sign up
What are office hours.
When I show up to play my instrument and actively engage in class. (2 things)
What is participation and keys to becoming a good teacher.
If I know I am going to submit an assignment late and don't want a O.
What is email Dr. Reed with an alternative plan of action.
You will complete these assignments (7) using your required text & videos (the online link is in Canvas).
What is a learning activity.
What is Teaching Strings in Today's Classroom
When I arrive to class on time I should do 2 things for safety.
What is wash your hands and place my backpack in the back of the classroom.
The grade for an assignment not completed within 2 weeks.
What is a 0
The final composition includes three things.
What is a melody, harmony, and bass line.
The three method books we will use throughout the semester to learn violin, viola, cello, and bass skills.
What is Essential Elements, String Basics, and Measures of Success.
The strategy to finding answers to your questions (3 things).
What is:
1) Look in the syllabus/course materials
2) Ask another colleague in the class
3) Ask Dr. Reed
An unexcused absence occurs, even if it might have been unexcused if you don't take the following action.
What is not communicating with Dr. Reed within 24 hours of the absence.
Over the course of the semester you will teach individuals 3 things in the mini teaching labs.
What is 1) Unpacking, Posture, & Set-up; 2) Right-hand bow hold, flexibility exercise, and tone production; 3) Bass Pedagogy how-to video for posture & set-up