Used to extend the normal range of the staff.
What are ledger lines?
Any of several combinations of sharps or flats after the clef at the beginning of each staff, indicating the key of a composition.
What is a key signature?
In order to calculate and fully describe the thing that mean when we say ‘interval’, we need two pieces of information.
What is the numerical interval and quality?
A, B, C#, D, E, F#, G#, A
What is the A major scale?
The three primary chords.
What is tonic, subdominant, and dominant triads?
The note with 2 counts.
What is a half note?
The major key signature indicated by 5 flats.
What is D flat major?
The numerical interval from C to E.
What is 3rd?
F, G, Ab, Bb, C, Db, Eb, F
What is the F minor scale?
A minor third as the lowest sounding note.
What is a first inversion?
An indication in music notation that specifies how many note values of a particular type are contained in each measure.
What is a time signature?
The minor key signature indicated by 2 sharps.
What is B minor?
Quality of a 4th interval.
What is a perfect quality interval?
C, D, E, F#, G#, A#, C
What is the C whole tone scale?
The chord A, D, F#.
What is D major second inversion?
This adds half the value of the note.
What is dotted notes?
The amount of accidentals in the E major key signature.
What is 4 sharps?
A minor quality interval increased by a semitone.
What is a diminished quality interval?
Bb, C, D, F, G, Bb
What is B flat pentatonic scale?
The chord G, B, D, E.
A musical rhythm or time that has two beats per measure.
What is duple time?
The amount of accidentals in the D minor key signature.
What is one flat?
The interval from B to F.
What is diminished 5th?
D#, F#, G#, A, A#, C#, D#
What is the D sharp blues scale?
The roman numeral associated with the D major chord C#, E, G.
What is viio?