If I don't relax, the movement doesn't happen
What is antagonist
Which muscles are collectively known as the quadriceps?
What is the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis
During elbow flexion, this term describes the attachment of the muscle to the humerus
What is the origin
This muscle of mastication originates on a lateral cranial bone.
What is the temporalis.
Along with part of the trapezius, this muscle improves your posture by pulling your shoulders back.
What is rhomboideus major (or the rhomboids)
This action is often accomplished by the muscles on the anterior surface of the body or a limb
What is flexion
The action of the masseter
Which muscle pulls up the sides of the mouth.
This muscle aids forced expiration and raises intra-abdominal pressure
What is the transverse abdominis.
This muscle lengthens during flexion at the elbow.
What is triceps brachii.
The muscle that inserts on the greater trochanter and is the prime mover for thigh abduction
What is the gluteus medius