Steps 1 and 2
*blank* (neurotransmitter) is released from the *blank* terminal into the neuromuscular junction
Causes the release of *blank*
Acetylcholine; Axon; Calcium
Muscles must have at least *blank* and must cross at least *black*
Two attachments; One joint
Striations: Yes
Control: Voluntary
Joints are immovable and have Sutures in the cranium
Fibrous Joints
continuation of the connective tissue that surrounds muscle belly and attaches the muscle to the bone
Step 3: Calcium travels down the *blank* and is released into the *blank*.
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum; Sarcomere
Rule #2: The attachment that moves is known as the *blank* and the attachment that remains stationary is known as the *blank*
Insertion; Origin
Striations: None
Control: Involuntary
Location: Living vessels, lining organs, digestive tract
Slight/Limited Movement
The pubis area of the pelvis and at the intervertebral discs.
Cartilaginous Joints
Steps 4 and 5
4. Calcium binds to *blank* on the *blank* filament, which moves the *blank* and exposes the binding site on the *blank* filament
5. The *blank* that is attached to the *blank* heads, undergoes hydrolysis to *blank* which causes the *blank* heads to change position and bind to the *blank*
4. troponin; tropomyosin; Actin
5. ATP; Myosin; ATP and ADP; Actin Binding Sites
Rules 4 and 5
Muscles work in *blank*
Muscles that decrease the angle between ventral surfaces of the body are known as *blank*. Muscles that increase the angle between ventral surfaces of the body are known as *blank*
Striation: Some Striation
Control: Involuntary
Location: Heart
Freely Moveable - Types 1-3
1. Freest Movement; rounded bone head fit into cuplike cavity. (Hip and Shoulder)
2. Free Movement in a Singular Plane (Elbow and Knee)
3. Rotates around a central axis (Skull on spine and radius/ulna)
Synovial Joints
1. Ball and Socket Joint
2. Hinge Joint
3. Pivot Joint
En is connective tissue that surrounds groups of myofibrils
Pe is connective tissue that surrounds groups of En
Ep is connective tissue that surrounds groups of P
En - Endomysium
P - Perimysium
Ep - Epimysium
Step 6: Pulls on the *blank* and moves the *blank* closer to the center of the *blank*- thus shortening or contracting the muscle
Actin; Sacromere
Rules 3
Muscles always *blank* and get shorter
What types of muscle have only one nucleus
Freely Moveable - Types 4-6
4. Bone slides over another (Carpals and Tarsals)
5. Oval shaped surface meeting with a concave cavity; two direction movement (Wrist and ankles phalanges)
6. Similar to above; Each bone has a concave and convex surface (only in the thumb)
Synovial Joints
4. Gliding Joint
5. Condyloid/Angular Joint
6. Saddle Joint
Myofibril is made up of *blank* and *blank*
- Cell Membrane (asking for name)
- Cytoplasm (asking for name)
- Endoplasmic reticulum (asking for name)
Actin; Myosin
- Sarcolemma
- Sarcoplasm
- Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
Step 7: A second *blank* binds to the *blank* to break the connection between the *blank* and returns the *blank* to the loaded position
ATP; Myosin; Actin and Myosin; Myosin Head
Attachments; Direction
Nucleus: Multinucleated
Location: Attached to bone
Forms of *blank*
1. Found at joint ends and is very smooth
2. Many elastic fibers, flexible, found in ear and tip of nose
3. Many collagen fibers and found in pubic symphsis and interverteral discs.
4. Produced at some joints by an endothelial membrane which lines the joint area.
5. are fluid filled and cushion impact at high pressure joints such as the hip,knee, ankle, shoulder, and elbow.
Joint Lubrication
1. Articular (hyaline) cartilage
2. Elastic Cartialge
3. Fibrocartilage
4. Synovial Fluid
5. Bursa Sacs
Myosin are *blank* filaments with *blanks* and heads
Actin are *blank* filaments that contain *blank* and *blank*
*blank* bands are on the sides of the sarcomere
*blank* band is in the middle of the sarcomere
*blank* band/zone contains only thick filaments
Thick; Cross Bridges
Thin; Tropomyosin
I bands
A band
H zone/band