Skeletal muscles makes up approx. what % of our body weight.
Muscles that contract at the same time as the prime mover are called________
Name the 2 muscles that form most of the pelvic floor...
Levator ani, and coccygeus
What muscle raises or lowers the shoulders or shrugs the shoulders...
What 2 muscles would be mostly used in pushing a weight over your head.....
deltoid and triceps
The connective tissue sheath that envelopes bundles of muscle fibers is..........
The type of lever system arrangement where the pull is exerted between the fulcrum and resistence or weight to be moved is ___________
3rd class lever
The pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, and deltoid all move the what??
Upper arm
What muscle extends and adducts the upper arm..
latissimus dorsi
What is the prime action of the teres minor muscle..
rotating the arm outward.... external rotation of arm.
The covering of an individual muscle fiber is _____
What is the action of the masseter muscle ?
Mastication or chewing
Name all 4 rotator cuff muscles....
Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, subscapularis
Name the posterior arm muscle that extends the forearm.
Triceps brachii
Muscles on the anterior medial surface of the forearm move the what.......
fingers... flex the fingers or flex the hand/wrist
Groups of skeletal muscle fibers are bound together by a connective tissue envelope called ___
Name the muscle that draws the eyebrows together, producing vertical wrinkles above the nose
corrugator supercilii
The teres major and teres minor muscles move the what??
Upper arm
name the muscle that flexes the forearm.
biceps brachii
muscles located on the lower leg move the what.....
A flat sheet of connective tissue connecting muscle to other structures is ________
The external oblique, internal oblique, and the transverse abdominus all do what common action...
compress the abdomen
The muscle that allows the thumb to be drawn across the palm is the _____
Opponens pollicis muscle
Muscles that move the upper arm mostly originate on what 2 bones....
clavicle and scapula.
Where is the biceps femoris muscle located?
posterior thigh.