This muscle is the deepest of the abdomen
What is the Quadratus Lumborum
What is the multifidi
The origin of the Multifidi
What is the sacrum and transverse processes of lumbar through cervical vertebrae
The insertion of the Rotatores
What is SP of Lumbar Vertebrae through 2nd cervical vertebra 1 to 2 above the origin
This is the primary muscle of respiration
What is the diaphragm
How many muscles are in the Erector Spinae Group?
What is 3
What is the spinalis
The origin of the Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
What is the tubercle of the posterior arch of the atlas
Inserts on the cartilage of 5th, 6th, and 7th ribs and xiphoid process
What is rectus abdominis
Action of the Quadratus Lumborum
What is laterally tilt pelvis, laterally flex the vertebral column, assist to extend the vertebral column, and fix the last rib during forced inhalation and exhalation.
This branch of the erector spinae group is the most medial
What is the spinalis
Identify D
What is the serratus posterior inferior
The name of the muscle that originates on the inner surface of the lower six ribs, upper 2 or 3 vertebrae, and inner part of xiphoid process
What is the diaphragm
The insertion of the Serratus Posterior Superior
What is the posterior surface of 2nd through 5th ribs
These 2 muscles, which are sandwiched between the shoulder muscles and the erector spinae group only affect movement of the ribs.
What is the serratus posterior superior and Serratus posterior inferior
This is the only muscle with fibers lying over the posterior sacrum
What is the multifidi
Identify H
What is Iliocostalis
The origin of the Quadratus Lumborum
What is the Posterior iliac crest
This suboccipital inserts on the transverse process of the atlas
What is Oblique Capitis Inferior
This muscle group rocks and tilts the head back into extension
What is the suboccipitals
This muscle gives you the washboard look.
What is the rectus abdominis
Identify E
What is Semispinalis Capitis
Originates on the TP of C4-T5
What is Semispinalis Capitis
Insertion of the longissimus
What is the lower 9 ribs, tvp of thoracic vertebrae, and mastoid process of temporal bone.
Name all the muscles that create rotation of the spine
What are the external oblique, internal oblique, multifidi, and rotatoes