These bones protect the heart and the lungs.
What are the ribs?
The heart is called an involuntary muscle because of this
What is never stops contracting to pump blood through out the body?
These structures connect bone to bone, providing joint stability.
What is a ligament?
This is can be found in the nose and the ear but its not muscle or bone.
What is cartilage?
Muscle fibers use ATP as their primary energy source and rely on this gas for efficient energy production.
What is oxygen?
Name the three bones of the arm
what are humerus, ulna and radius
This muscle type is found in the walls of hollow organs and is involuntary.
What is smooth muscle?
This type of joint allows you to turn your head from side to side.
What is a pivot joint?
Some call this bone the knee.
What is the Patella?
This strong joint only allows movement in one plane of motion.
What is a hinge joint?
Name the three bones of the leg.
What are the tibia, fibula, and femur.
This muscle or group of muscles passively assists the prime mover of a joint.
What is the antagonist muscle?
What is another name for a bruise
This part of the skeleton includes the bones of the limbs, as well as the pectoral and pelvic girdles.
What is the appendicular skeleton?
This Muscle type is only found in one organ
what are cardiac muscle cells?
The spongy tissue inside bone that produces blood cells.
What is bone marrow.
These are the three types of muscles.
What are the cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscles?
This muscle type is attached to your bones and allows you to move and have voluntary control of your movement.
What is the skeletal muscle?
What bone do the supraspinatus and infraspinatus originate from?
What is the scapula bone?
The ishium, Illium and pubic bone are fused together to make this girdle
What is the pelvic girdle?
What includes the skull, spine and ribcage.
What is the axial skeleton?
This structure connects muscle to bone
In Greek mythology, Thetis, dipped her son into the river styx to make him immortal but missed a spot on his body that is now named after him. Who was he?
I am a small, triangular bone at the base of the spine. I am often referred to as the "tailbone" and can be injured if you fall on your back.
What is the coccyx?
There are 5 types of bones: long, short, irregular, sesamoid and ____________.
What are the flat bones?