organ that contains smooth muscle
what are intestines, stomach, bladder, etc.
The two parts of the nervous system
What are the CNS and PNS
your femur bone for example
long bone
main function of cartilage
reduces friction between bones and absorbs shock
mineral released during the sliding filament theory
condition where bone density decreases
this is the main function of the nervous system
What is a communication network that sends messages to the rest of the body
porous bone
what is spongy bone
the side of the brain that controls the creative aspect of oneself
what is the right brain
thread like structures within muscle fibers
what are myofibrils
dizziness, confusion, memory loss, headaches
what are concussions
specific body parts that make up the peripheral nervous system and central nervous system
what are the brain and spinal cord (CNS) and nerves (PNS)
cells responsible for bone formation
what are osteoblasts
cushions the brain and spinal cord
what is cerebrospinal fluid
this type of muscle appears striated and is controlled voluntarily
what is skeletal muscle
leads to communication problems between the brain and body
what is multiple sclerosis
the two branches within the autonomic nervous system
what are the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems
These things in your body connect tendons to bones
What are muscles?
4 main nervous system disorders
concussions, epilepsy, parkinson's, and multiple sclerosis
two acting proteins in muscle contraction
actin and myosin
caused by the loss of dopamine producing neurons
what is parkinson's disease
part of the body responsible for the control of reflex actions
spinal cord
located in the central cavity of bones, produces red blood cells
freely movable joints
what are synovial joints