Blank and Blank filaments work together to produce a muscle contraction
Actin and Myosin
Which is known as thin filaments?
What is know to be straightening and extending of the joint to increase the angle between two bones or body parts?
Which major principle is defined as a muscle can be stretched without damage by the application of force.
What is known to be parts of the body that do not require a person to think about moving.
True or False: Actin and Myosin are connected to the M-line
Which is known as thick filaments?
Which is known as moving a body part away from the midline of the body?
Which major property is known as the muscular system is adaptable in that it can be changed in response to how it is used.
Define Voluntary
Parts of the body that do require a person to think about moving.
What is located between two Z-lines?
What is known to be one sarcomere length?
Which is known as moving a body part toward the midline of the body.
Define Contractible
After receiving stimulation, they are capable of contracting, or shortening.
True or False: Fascia is defined as- Attach muscles to other muscles
What is the midpoint of a sarcomere called?
The M-line is in the middle of the sarcomere, but what does it contain?
protein structures
Involves moving a body part around an axis.
True or False: Extensible can be defined as a muscle can be stretched with damage by the application of force.
False (without damage)
What are tendons?
Attach a muscle to a bone
What causes muscle fibers to shorten?
Actin and myosin interact to pull the muscle fiber towards the M-line
Define A-band
The length of myosin
Define Flexion.
Bending a joint to decrease the angle between two bones or two body parts.
Define Excitable or Irritable
They are compatible of receiving stimulation and responding to stimulation from the nerves.
If the communication from the nervous system is severed from the skeletal muscles, the skeletal muscles will not be able to produce movement. This is known as what?