Muscles often move two or more bone that meet at these points.
This type of physical action is controlled by skeletal muscle. (Action done “on purpose”.)
This organ is an involuntary muscle that pumps blood through the body.
the heart
The digestive system has this type of muscle.
smooth muscles
Sometimes we make these types of expressions when we are concentrating.(Not “on purpose”.)
Skeletal muscle is made of muscle tissue, blood vessels, tendons, and these.
Muscles cells in the heart are shaped like these two letters.
x and y
These chemicals control the rate of cardiac muscle contraction.
Tom Brady has THIS MANY Superbowl rings!!!!!!!
This type of muscle is found inside the stomach, intestines, and blood vessels.
smooth muscle
There are this many types of human muscle tissue.
The average human heart beats THIS many times in a lifetime. (Must be within 30% of answer)
2.5 billion (1.75 billion-3.25 billion acceptable)
You have about this many muscles in your body.
700 (600-700 acceptable)
Smooth muscles are automatically controlled by this organ.
the brain
Along with water, muscles need these two things to function.
oxygen and nutrients
Muscles often move two or more bones that meet at these points.
Skeletal, smooth, and this are the three types of muscle tissues.
Your heart is made of this type of muscle tissue.
This system DELIVERS oxygen and nutrient molecules to your muscle cells.
Spasms, twitching, and cramping can mean that there is something wrong with this system.
muscular system