Hormones and MSK
anti-inflammatory meds
Nursing intervention
This is actually a vitamin but acts like a hormone because the body needs this to absorb calcium
What is vitamin D
A broken bone which breaks through the skin can be qualified as __________ or ____________,
What is open or compound
These are both types of traction.
What is skin and skeletal traction.
This anti-inflammatory med can cause tinnitus if the dose is too high.
What is aspirin
The use of ice or cold, elevation, immobilization, repositioning, and a referral to integrative medicine are interventions the nurse can do for this.
What is relief of pain
This hormone is produced by thyroid and maintains serum Ca levels
What is calcitonin
Treatment for this condition is a fasciotomy
What is compartment syndrome
Proper pin care helps prevent the development of this.
What is osteomyelitis
Ibuprofen, diclofenac, ketoprofen, meloxicam, naproxen are all examples of this class of medications.
What are NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
You are teaching your patient to contract a muscle group without moving. This is called ____________ or __________
What is muscle setting or isometric exercises
This hormone indirectly supports bone formation because it supports increased muscle mass
What is testosterone
Nerve damage can occur when LE casts are too tight. If affected, this nerve will prevent dorsi-flexion and loss of sensation on the top of the foot.
What is peroneal nerve
Preventive treatment for this possible complication applies to any patient whose mobility has been compromised.
What is DVT or VTE
This medication used to treat severe rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus belongs to the drug class DMARDS is also a anti-malerial.
What is hydrocychloroquine (Plaguenil)
You are educating your patient about reducing her risk for osteoporosis. These are some risk factors she can affect (need to name three).
What is sufficient CA, vit. D, and protein intake. Healthy exposure to the sun. Exercise, weight-bearing activity, decrease caffeine and alcohol intake, stop smoking, decrease phosphate intake (found in carbonated beverages).
This hormone stimulates osteogenesis and inhibits resorption, therefore increased osteoporosis risk in post-menopausal women
What is estrogen
Your patient Mr. L broke his hip falling down a flight of stairs 2 hours ago and is waiting to go into surgery. A few minutes ago you noted that he has become slightly confused and is becoming anxious as well as exhibiting some signs of respiratory distress. You suspect this syndrome and will carefully be assessing for petechiae.
What is fat embolism syndrome
These six P's prompt the nurse to do a complete neurovascular assessment
What are pain, pressure, pallor, pulselessness, paralysis, paresthesias
This medication in low doses is used to treat RA and belongs to the drug class immunosuppressives.
What is methotrexate (MTX)

Patient education regarding this class of medications includes these side effects: dyspepsia, nausea, flatulence (common) and esophagitis, peptic ulcers, osteonecrosis of the jaw, and weakening fo the femoral shaft.

What are bisphosphanates

this hormone increases bone length before puberty; causes acromegaly if excess present after puberty
What is growth hormone
This is the primary "risk for" nursing diagnosis you choose when caring for a patient who has a fracture.
What is "Risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction r/t fracture
Proper bandaging, massage, and "toughening" of the residual limb are all part of this care of the amputee..
What is pre-prosthetic care
Side effects of this class of medications include: moon face, weight gain, poor wound healing, osteoporosis, muscle wasting, increased risk of infection, thinning of skin, HTN, and bruising.
What ae corticosteroids

A 28-year-old male patient is brought to the emergency department following a high-speed motor vehicle accident. The patient is hemodynamically unstable, with a blood pressure of 85/50 mmHg and a heart rate of 120 bpm. Physical examination reveals pelvic deformity. The nurse suspect this. 

What is an unstable pelvic fracture. 
