Musculoskeletal 1
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Musculoskeletal 5
“Silent disease”. Chronic metabolic disease in which bone loss causes decreased density and possible fracture. The spine, hip and wrist are most often at risk.
What is osteoporosis?
What is fear of falling?
Intake of these should be increased for pts diagnosed with osteoporosis.
What are calcium and vit D?
Nutrition therapy for pts with osteoporosis includes avoiding excessive consumption of these.
What are alcohol and caffeine?
These are important to promote fracture healing.
What are protein, vit C, and iron?
Doing this for 30 minutes 3-5 times a week is the single most effective exercise for osteoporosis prevention.
What is walking?
The most common problem for pts with osteoporosis or osteopenia.
What is potential for fractures r/t weak, porous, bone tissue?
Take with food and 6-8 oz of water. Teach pts to drink plenty of fluids to prevent urinary or renal calculi.
What are calcium supplements?
It is important in the prevention and management of osteoporosis. It also plays a vital role in pain management, cardiovascular function, and an improved sense of well-being.
What is exercise?
It is the loss of bone related to a vit D deficiency. It is the adult equivalent of rickets, or vit D deficiency, in children.
What is osteomalacia?
Common serious problem associated with oral BPs.
What is esophagitis?
The most dreaded complication of Paget’s disease, most commonly osteogenic sarcoma.
What is cancer?
A non-pharmacological and simple way to increase vit D intake.
What is sun exposure?
A chronic metabolic disorder in which bone is excessively broken down and re-formed. The result is a bone that is structurally disorganized, causing bones to be weak with increased risk for bowing of bones and fractures.
What is Paget’s disease or osteitis deformans?
Take early in the morning with 8 oz water and wait 30-60 min in an upright position before eating.
What are bisphosphonates (BPs)?
The major cause of death r/t muscular dystrophy.
What is respiratory failure?
Raloxifene (Evista) is currently the only approved drug used for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
What are estrogen agonist/antagonists?
Example includes alendronate (Fosamax), ibandronate (Boniva), and risedronate (Actonel) which are FDA approved drugs commonly used for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
What are bisphosphonates (BPs)?
A thyroid hormone that inhibits osteoclastic activity, thus decreasing bone loss. It is used for treatment of osteoporosis, Paget’s disease, and hypercalcemia associated with cancer.
What is calcitonin?
Nonsurgical and surgical management may be necessary to do these for a patient with Paget’s disease.
What are reducing pain and promoting mobility?
Occurs when the verterbrae rotate and begin to compress. The spinal column begins to move into a lateral curve, most commonly in the right lateral thoracic area.
What is scoliosis?
Represents stress fractures that have not mineralized. Classic diagnostic finding specific to osteomalacia.
What are radiolucent bands (Looser’s lines or zones)?
The priority nursing care after spinal reconstructive surgery includes these.
What are assess pts respiratory status and encourage deep breathing?
It is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is located in the area of the arch of the foot. Most pts respond to conservative management, which includes rest, ice, stretching exercises, strapping of the foot to maintain the arch, shoes with good support, and orthotics.
What is plantar fasciitis?
Plantar digital neuritis in which a small tumor grows in a digital nerve of the foot. Management involves surgical removal of the neuroma and application of a pressure dressing.
What is morton’s neuroma?