What are the bones called in the Ankles?
What is the Tarsals.
Muscle is made up of 4 , what is it called?
What is the Quad muscle.
The process of building bone.
What is an osteoblast?
What builds up muscle?
The 3 types of muscle?
Skeletal, smooth and cardiac.
Flat and called the "wing bone".
What is the Scapula.
This Major muscle helps you push with your upper body, what is it?
Pectoralis Major
These cells are responsible for breaking down bones
What is an osteoclast?
How many insertion points does the tricep have?
What is 3.
True or False? You can grow new muscles.
What is False.
Bone is located in the leg in the shin, it is the outer most bone between the 2, what is it?
What is the Fibula.
What is the Latissimus Dorsi.
What connects Bone to Bone?
What is Ligaments.
What are remedies to consume when you get a cramp in your muscle?
What muscles help with posture?
The closest arm bone in the forearm?
What is Ulna?
The strongest muscle in the body.
What is the Heart.
What connects Bone to Muscle>
What is a tendon?
What type of muscle do sprinters have?
Fast twitch muscles.
How Many muscles are in the body?
(Closest to the number wins)
The outer most bone in your forearm?
What is Radial bone.
Name the 3 parts to the Deltoid
What is Anterior,Deltoid,Posterior.
What is the smallest bone in the body?
What is the stapes.
Why are the intestines a smooth muscle?
They are under autonomic control.
True or false.
Is the brain considered a muscle?