How many instrument families are there?
Is a guitar pitched or unpitched?
Definition of music
Sounds containing at least 1 of the following things:
Melody, harmony, or rhythm
What is one way music can affect the brain or body?
Any acceptable answer
Which instrument family does a triangle belong to?
Percussion Family
What are the three ways percussion instruments played?
Strike, Shake, Scrape
Is a glass filled with water traditional or non-traditional instrument?
Give me an example of a pitched instrument AND a non-pitched instrument.
Any acceptable answer
What common place plays music in order to better your mood and make you spend more money?
Grocery Store
What instrument family does a guitar belong to?
Strings Family
What are the two common ways that a string instrument can be played?
Plucked and Bowed
Are pots and pans traditional or non-traditional instruments?
What was the name of the movie/group in the video we saw using non-traditional instruments?
Fill in the quote: "Music can change the world because it can change _______"
Woodwind Family
What is the difference in how sound is made between a brass and woodwind instrument?
Woodwind - blow air across the reed
Brass - blow air through the instrument
Is a xylophone a pitched or unpitched instrument?
When we watched the video of the man playing glasses filled with water, what tv show theme song was he playing?
What is the name of the chemical that is released into the brain when listening to music?
What instrument family does a tuba belong to?
Brass Family