A, B, C, D, E, F, G
German Composer, known for composing their famous "Symphony No. 9" while being completely deaf.
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Most popular music genre, globally
Often forgotten percussion-string instrument, consisting of 52 white keys and 36 black keys
The language most commonly seen on sheet music directions
The name of the musical interval 4 semitones apart
Major third
Well-known for his ballets, one of which being "The Sleeping Beauty Suite"
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
an electronic machine for producing and modifying different sounds
Synth, synthesizer
Percussion instrument, often mixed up with it's wider-ranged counterpart and a common toy for children
Rhythm that is one-eighth the length of a half-note
Sixteenth note
Major key signature consisting of 5 Flats
Db Major
Composer of the opera "Carmen"
the act of using a piece of audio (melody, speech, sound effect, rhythm etc.) from another source
Intstrument whose solo repetoire includes the well-known "Rhapsody in Blue"
Horizontal mark above a note to tell you to play said note for the full length, legato
Scale degree of the relative minor of a major key
First African-American woman to have her music performed by a major symphony orchestra (1933)
Florence Price
As of now, this artist has a total of 99 Grammy nominations across their career, making them the artist with the most grammy nominations ever.
String instrument, the classical version consisting of 47 strings and 7 pedals
Used to indicate playing a note an octave below what is written.
Every note in a "Cmin7 13" chord
C, Eb, G, Bb, A
Composer who was a butcher's apprentice from 1854-1856
Antonín Dvořák
Jazz artist who began their career after winning a contest at the Apollo Theater in 1934
Ella Fitzgerald
The only instrument played without touching it, only waving your hands near it.
Dynamic marking in which you initially play the note loudly and immiediately drop to a quiet dynamic
Sforzando, Forte-piano