What is the first expectation when you walk into Music Class?
Enter Quietly
Name the 1st and 2nd Music Class Rule.
Make Good Choices.
Use Kind Words.
Where is the instrument when it's in 1st position?
Instrument is on floor.
What is the expectation after you Enter Quietly?
Listen Well
Show Respect.
Involve Yourself.
Where is the instrument when it is in 2nd position?
Instrument is on lap.
What is the expectation for when the class exits Music Class?
Exit Quietly
Name the 5th Music Rule
Care for our room and instruments
Where is the instrument in 3rd position?
Ready to play.
What is something that Mrs. Canales loves to remind you to do so that every single student enjoys their Music Time with her?
Be Kind
What do the first Letters of each Rule spell out?
How many instrument positions do we have in Music?
What is the expectation when you are playing instruments, singing, or answering questions?
Good Effort
What are the 2 things you follow in order to move up a key in Mrs. Canales's Music Class?
Follow Music Class Expectations and Rules
Who gives you permission to play the instrument while you are in third position?
Mrs. Canales