To make a triad, it must consist of how many notes?
What is three?
What interval is in complete Unison?
What is a perfect interval?
Which time signature is known as common time?
What is 4/4?
Which two kind of scales are most frequently used in music?
What is Major and Minor?
How many beats are in a quarter note?
What is one beat?
How many triads are there?
What is four?
What kind of intervals have half steps?
What is major and minor?
What time signature has a "C" with a vertical line down the middle?
What is cut time?
How many notes make up a scale?
What is seven notes?
Which note has one and a half beats?
What is an eighth note?
What kind of triad usually has a sharp in it?
What is Augmented?
When you lower a perfect interval by a half step what does it become?
What is diminished?
What is the most commonly used key signature?
What is G Major?
Ab Major scale has how many flats?
What is four flats?
What rhythm allows you to play three notes in the time of two?
What is a triplet?
What notes are tonic triads made up of on a scale?
What is third and fifth notes?
What interval is major third degree?
What is E major?
Which time signature can you count by 6's
Ex: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six; Two, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six...
What is 6/8?
Identify this Scale
What is D# Minor Augmented?
How many beats is a sixteenth rest?
What is 1/4th?
VIIo7 is what diminished triad?
What is D#?
Identify this interval:
What is C# Major Diminished?
Which symbol cancels out sharps in a key signature?
What is naturals?
Which harmonic minor has two flats and one sharp?
What is G harmonic Minor?
Identify this note name by the counting rhythms below:
1-e-&-a; 2e&a; 3e+a
What is a sixteenth note?