In a musical solo, these number of members are typically involved.
What is 1?
In sheet music, this symbol indicates to play the note or passage softly.
What is a piano?
This is the enharmonic equivalent of F sharp.
What is a Gb?
This note, is located on the fifth line of the bass clef.
What is A?
This clef symbol is used for the flute, clarinet, and saxophone.
What is a treble clef?
In a musical duo/duet, these number of members are typically involved.
What is 2?
It signifies a gradual increase in the loudness in music.
What is a crescendo?
This is the enharmonic equivalent of D sharp.
What is Eb?
This note is located on the fourth line of the bass clef staff.
What is F?
This term is used to describe a gradual decline or decrease in the loudness of music.
What is decrescendo?
In a musical trio, these number of members are typically involved.
What is 3?
It is used to connect two notes of the same pitch in music.
What is a tie?
This is the enharmonic equivalent of C#?
What is a Db?
This note is located on the second line of the bass clef staff.
What is B?
This clef symbol is used for the trombone, tuba, and euphonium/baritone.
What is the bass clef.
In a musical quartet, these number of members are typically involved?
What is 4?
It is used to connect two notes of the different pitches in music.
What is a slur?
This is the enharmonic equivalent of A sharp.
What is Bb?
This note is located on the fourth space of the bass clef staff.
What is G?
This line separates measures in music.
What is a barline?
In a musical quintet, these number of members are typically involved?
What is 5?
Notes with dots above or below them in sheet music, making them short and separated.
What are staccato?
This is the enharmonic equivalent of Gb?
What is F#?
This note is located on the third space of the bass clef staff.
What is E?
In 4/4 time signature, these many beats are in a measure.
What is 4?