Is home to E,G,B,D,F & F,A,C,E
What is a Treble Clef
Holds for 1 Beat
What is a Quarter Note
o Flats 0 Sharps
What is the Key of C
is an Italian musical term that means "loud" or "strong". It's a dynamic marking in sheet music that indicates a passage should be played with more volume or intensity.
What is Forte?
is an Italian musical term that means "moderately loud" or "medium strong". It's used as a dynamic marking to indicate that a passage should be played or sung with a moderate volume or intensity.
What is Mezzo forte
Holds a home to G,B,D,F,A & A,C,E,G
what is a Bass Clef
holds for 4 beats
What is an whole note
2 Sharps 0 Flats
what is the Key of D
The term is used for as soft,
What is Piano
1 Flat 0 Sharp
What is the key of F
Is considered the F clef due to the 4th line.
What is Bass Clef
Holds for 1 1/2 Beats
What is a Dotted Quarter Note.
3 Flats 0 Sharps
What is the Key of E Flat?
is an Italian musical term that means "very loud" or "very strong". It's a dynamic marking in sheet music that indicates a passage should be played or sung with maximum force and energy.
What Is Fortissimo
Hold for 3 Beats
What is a Dotted Half Note?
Given the name G clef due to the 2nd line.
What is a Treble Clef.
hold for 2 beats
What is a Half Note
6 Flats 0 Sharps
What is the Key of G Flat
played or sung with medium softness. used as a direction in music.
what is mezzo piano
7 Flats 0 Sharps
what is the key of F flat.
Treble Clef and Bass Clef Together
What is a Grand Staff
Holds for 1/4 of a note
What is an 16th note
7 Sharps 0 Flats
What is The Key of C#
is an Italian term that indicates a note or phrase should be played with a sudden, strong emphasis, or accent. It's used to create a dramatic effect by drawing attention to a specific musical element.
the 6 note in a degree is also a identification for a certain scale
What is the relative Minor (minor scale)