What solfege hand sign is this:🤛?
What is Do
How many beats is a whole rest?
What is 4
What does pp represent?
What is Pianissimo
What were the first 3 starters?
What is Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle
What comes after sol?
What is la
What are the two Clefs?
What is Bass and Treble clef
Whats the loudest dynamic (That we have learned)
What is fortissimo
What comes before low ti?
What is la
What does ">" Represent?
What is decrescendo
What is "Mezzo Piano" translated into English?
What is Medium Soft
List the solfege notes from low do to high do
What is Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do
4/4 Time signature is also called ______
What is Common Time
What comes before mp? (Soft-Loud)
What is mf
Where are most lymph nodes located
What is the neck
What is the solfege of the note on the middle of the staff (f major)
What is Fa
What does "#" represent
What is sharp
True or False: mp is louder than p
What is False
What is Kevin's favorite legendary?
What is rayquaza